Saturday, December 30, 2006

Moss Rock Preserve

Our family has discovered a wonderful place in the middle of residental Hoover, AL. It is a park with huge boulder outcroppings intermingled with hiking trails, and even a creek and waterfalls. We have only been a few times, but the kids love to go and climb the rocks, and hike down to the waterfall. We last went this fall, and the leaves were just beautiful. While we were there, we encountered a tiny bird who at first seemed to be following us. He would flit from tree to tree as we walked down the trail. But whenever any of us tried to get too close, he flew directly at our faces. A couple of us even got scratches as he flew too near our eyes. I tried to get a good picture, but could not get very close (for obvious reasons.)
We found alot of really nice leaves, and collected a few to take hom and make "stained glass" pictures. These are done by ironing the leaves between two pieces of wax paper, then framing with construction paper strips. (This is about the only time I iron, btw)
phtos to come later - there's a problem with uploading them right now.


this post is not actually about the red stuff made from tomatoes, but is in actuality what I hope to do in the next couple of days - Ketch-up! I have gotten seriously behind with all the busy-ness of the holidays, and have tons of things to blog about. so with that said, I will delve into the picture files on my computer and see what needs to be added...

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Good Helpers

I've struggled with different types of rewards and systems for chores, and had problems. For awhile, we were using a piece of paper with each child's name, and I would give stickers for RAK's (random act of kindness). Then I found a system where they had a poster with pockets and chore cards that they moved aroung from one pocket to another when they had completed each chore. (Reminded me of Richard Simmons' Deal A Meal!!)But over time I have discovered that the best and easiest method for us is the Nike slogan - Just Do It! We have been trying to teach them that as part of a family, we all have responsibilities that we do to help everything go more smoothly for the good of everyone. There are so many opportunities to serve one another, not just try to see how quickly your points are adding up to gain that cheap little toy that you didn't really need or want anyway. That just gives you more stuff to pick up later when you get bored with it after a few days and leave it lying on the floor.
I think the children have adapted very well, and there are even a couple of chores they really enjoy. We are still working on who will do what chore, but they are getting better and more willing to do them with minimal or no complaining.
Noah and Bailey both enjoy mopping the floor. The first day we got the new mop, I think Noah mopped the kitchen about eight times! I finally had to make him stop. This was after Bailey had already mopped it twice.
Bailey enjoys doing the dishes, but is not quite as proficient at it as Noah. He has really improved - he used to get alot of water on the floor using the sprayer thingy, but now he does a wonderful job. He is also very patient and persevering now. He used to wash only a few pieces and then ask if he could stop, but now he does the entire sinkful without any fuss.
Bailey also likes cleaning the bathroom, especially the sink and mirrors. Noah completes the bathroom by scrubbing the tub and toilet.
They both pitch in to help wash and put up clothes for themselves, and for Daddy. So if you notice that some of William's pants have a crease in the wrong place, or there's a wrinkle in his shirt, please be forgiving! They haven't made it to ironing yet, and neither have I }:(
Also, Noah has a cool wagon that we got him for his birthday. It will carry up to 500 lbs. (yes you read that right!) Just the thing for taking bags of garbage up the hill to the big garbage can.
It is not always easy to teach our children to do this, but it is such a blessing!
Thank you, Bailey and Noah, for being obedient and gracious about doing your chores. Daddy and I appreciate your good attitudes and hard work.