Sunday, August 27, 2006

Meme! pick me!

Ruthanne tagged me to do a five things Meme. I had never heard the proper name for this sort of thing, but have seen it done. Questions are asked, and you respond with short personal answers to each one. She actually asked me to do a homeschooling one as well, but I am working on a LONG post in that area for the future. She told me I only had to answer one of the two, so I chose the short, fun one!

1. What are five things in your refrigerator?
a severed head (of lettuce), extra sharp white cheddar, ingredients to make our homemade salsa,frozen eggs ( I think we need to adjust the airflow between the 'fridge and freezer), and yummy hot wing chicken dip (Aunt Nancy's recipe)

2. What are five things in your closet?
skeletons, my grandmother's painted glass lamp that I dare not use til we get in our "real house", two pair of boots waiting for cold weather, manuals for every appliance we own (or have ever owned!), a hanging pocket-thingy full of costume jewelry

3. What five things are in your purse?
letter to mail, pizza hut "frequent flyer" lunch ticket with only 2 more punches to go (then I get a free buffet!), BC's, photos of family and friends, cell phone that I rarely if ever use (500 minutes lasts me over a year!)

4. What five things are in your car?
several pairs of kids' shoes, old medicine cabinet I got at a yard sale for $1.00 today, rechargeable aa batteries that need to be brought in the house and recharged, homeschool books Mary printed for me at her work for cost (thanks, Mary!), and a piece of carpet given to me by the people who gave us the two toilets from freecycle so the toilets would "stay put" on the way home.(the toilets were clean, and so is the carpet!)

5. Five People to tag
James Sappington
Peggy Paulin
anyone else who may want to share

you do not have to have a blog to do this. to participate, just click on comments and leave your answers there

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

5 things in my refrigerator
1.) honey baked ham
2.) milk
3.) Orange Juice
4.) Sweet Tea
5.) Real Butter

5 things in my closet
1.) mine & Marty's clothes
2.) My shoes
3.) Down comforter
4.) Presents for the girls
5.) Gift wrap

5 things in my purse
1.) Check book
2.) face powder
3.) chapstic
4.) gum
5.) scissors

5 things in my car
1.) sunglasses
2.) Rayne's flip flops
3.) cooler
4.) throws
5.) flossers